1) Browne, R. Keinonen, A., Revill, C., Ritch, A., Radloff, E., "Propeller Ice Loads Measured on Antarctic Trials of USCGC Polar Star and Their Impact Upon New International Design Standards", ASME 1999
2) Bruneau, S., Crocker, G., McKenna, R., Croasdale, K., Metge, M., Ritch, R., Weaver, J.S., "Development of Techniques for Measuring in Situ Ice Rubble Shear Strength", IAHR 1999
3) Cowper, B., Browne, R., Glen, I., and Ritch, R., "Resistance and Propulsive Performance Trials of the MV Terry Fox and MV Ikaluk in Level Ice", 1992 Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers Annual Meeting
4) Comfort, G., Ritch, R., and Frederking, R., "Pack Ice Stress Measurements", OMAE 1992, Calgary.
5) Comfort, G., Ritch, R., and El-Tahan, H., "Large Scale Pack Ice Stress and Forces", 1990 IAHR Conference.
6) Comfort, G. and Ritch, R. "Field Measurement of Pack Ice Stresses", 1990 OMAE Conference, Houston.
7) Cowper, D., Edgecombe, M., Ritch, R., and Semery, P., "M.V. Kalvik Propulsion System Full Scale Tests: Bearing Instrumentation and Data", Presented at the SNAME Propellers '88 Symposium, 1988.
8) Crocker, Greg, Ritch, Avron, Nilsen, Rune, Some Observations of Ice Features in the North Caspian Sea 2011 POAC Conference, Montreal
9) Johnston, M., Ritch, R., Gagnon R. Comparison of Impact Forces Measured by Different Instrumentation Systems on CCGS Terry Fox during the Bergy Bit Trials, Cold Regions Technology, April 2007
10) Jones, S., Hardiman, K., Ritch, R., and Abdelnour, R., "The Effect of Density on the Trajectory of Ice Pieces around a Ship's Hull", IAHR Ice Symposium 1990.
11) Ritch R., St. John, J., Browne, R., Sheinberg, R. "Ice Load Impact Measurements On The CCG's Louis S. St-Laurent During The 1994 Arctic Ocean Crossing", OMAE 1999, St. Johns, NFLD
12) Ritch, R., Frederking, R. Johnston, M. Browne, R., Ralph, F. Local Ice Pressures Measured on a Strain Gauge Panel during the CCGS Terry Fox Bergy Bit Impact Study, Cold Regions Science and Technology, COLTEC-01218, April 2007
13) Ritch, R, First Year Hull-Ice Interaction Loads Measured on the Louis S. St-Laurent During the 1995 Gulf of St. Lawrence Trials, IceTech 2008
14) Rossiter, J., Ritch, R., Lalumiere, L., Metge, M., and Timco, G., A Novel Shipboard Ice Properties Measurement System, IAHR Ice Symposium 1994
15) Smirnov, V., Sheikin, I., Shushlebin, A., Kharitonov, V., Croasdale, K., Metge, M., Ritch, R., Polomoshnov, A., Surkov, G., Wang, A., Beketsky, S., Weaver, J., "Large Scale Strength Measurements of Ice Ridges: Sakhalin 1998", RAO 1999
16) St. John, J., Sheinberg R., Ritch R. and Minnick P., "Ice Impact Load Measurement Aboard the ODEN During the International Arctic Ocean Expedition 1991", Proceedings of ICETECH'94, SNAME